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Nahid Navab





Nahid Navab born in Iran, lives and works in Fairfax, VA

Selected Exhibitions


Solo Show 


From Middle East to Midwest:  Evoking Solidarities Across  Time & Space, Collaborative  work with Nasrin Navab, University YMCA-UIUC, Champaign, IL, Sept 7th-Nove2nd, reception & artist talk Sept,2017


The Time of No Time, Collection of recent handprints and mixed media works, Fisher Gallery, Schlesinger Arts Center, Margaret W. & Joseph L., NOVA College, Alexandria, VA, Aug7th-Sept17th, 2017

A World of Dream, recent and past paintings and mixed media works, Aryan Gallery, Pars Place, Iranian-American Cultural Center, Fairfax, VA, August-September 2017, 

Flying Words, Collaboration with Nasrin Navab, Fenwick Gallery, Fenwick Library, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, Jan-Feb  2017

Poetry Reading Panel, Feb 7th, 2017 George Mason University, Fairfax, VA


Hashed Revolt, McLean Project for the Arts, McLean, VA

Collaborative work with Nasrin Navab, in conjunction with Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Project, DC 2016



Goddess as Storyteller, Capital One Headquarter, curator, Sheryl Fiegel, McLean, VA

Solo Show, Reston Regional Library, Reston, VA


Hidden Whispers, MFA show, School of Art, George Mason University

Collographs, curator Elsabe Dixon, Art Lab, Lorton Workhouse, Lorton, VA

2007 Moments, Alcove Gallery, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

2005, Barnes and Noble Bookstore, Falls Church, VA

2004, Fairfax Regional Library, Fairfax, VA

2002 Color of Dream, shared exhibition of two sisters with Nasrin Navab, George Mason University, Arlington, VA

Group Show​


AlMutannabi Street Starts Here, night of art and poetry reading,  March 2020, in collaboration with Helen Fredrick and Nasrin Navab,  Takoma Park, MD 

SHIFT – Common Dream, MPA first virtual group juried show, curator, Sarah Tanguy, McLeanProject for the Art (MPA), VA

Art of Social Change, Asia North Exhibition 2020, Virtual Art Walk, and artist talk, curator, Asian Art and Culture Center, Towson University, Baltimore, MD


AlMutannabi Street Starts Here 2019, 12th anniversary,

Target, Artists & Poets Reading in solidarity with Brave Journalists around the world, Organizers; Helen Fredrick, Nasrin Navab, Nahid Navab,

artworks including Poster and bookmarks, Busboys & Poets, Takoma Park, M


Pop-up Exhibit: Aftab Committee @ NIAC: Building a Movement: Mobilizing Iranian-Americans from 2018 Conference.

On View: September 29th – 30th, 2018

Location: Hyatt Regency 400 Rhode Island Avenue NW, Washington DC 20001.

Artists&Poets, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of the Press, Curator Nasrin Navab, Epicure Cafe,Fairfax,VA,  Feb25-April,

Poetry Reading, March 23, 2018

8th Annual March 150 Special, Target Gallery,  Torpedo Factory Art Center: Alexandria, VA…/8th-annual-march150-special-e…/
Looking Back/Feeling Forward, Iranian American Local Artists, Curator, Mojdeh Rezaeipour, Epicure Cafe, Fairfax, VA, Jan- March 2018

PRIZM Art Fair, Miami, Juried show, Aftab Committee, December 2017

Ipseity, Juried show, Target Gallery, Torpedo Factory Art Center, Alexandria, VA, Jan – March 2017,


NOVA Printmakers Group show, Artists and Makers Studio, Rockville, MD

Remix, GMU Alumni, Hilton Center, George Mason Manassas Campus, Prince William, VA

Call & Response, Collaboration of artist and writer, Fenwick Gallery, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

Persian Epic; Shahnameh, Ferdowsi, Parce Place (IACC), Fairfax, VA

Cheap Thrill, juried show Anacostia Art Center,  Prince Georges County, MD


Absence and Presence: Traveling Juried show ”Al-PrinceMutanabbi Street Starts Here”: 

Hampshire College, Amherst, MA

Curry College, Milton, MA,

Arab-American National Museum-Dearborn/Detroit, MI

San Francisco Center for The Book, San Francisco, CA

Painterly Print, Artist & Makers, Rockville, MD

"Printmaking" Falls Church Arts, Curator: Barbara Cram, Falls Church, VA

Annual Juried Members Exhibition, Pyramid Atlantic Art Center, Curator; Justin Strom, Silver Spring, MD

17th Annual National Small Works Mid-Atlantic, Printmakers Gallery, Juror Jack Rasmussen, Director and Curator of the Katzen Center at American University, Washington DC

Causeways, Pathways & Interfaces, Southern Graphic Council International, SGCI portfolio, NOVA Printmaker's, San Francisco, CA

Popol Vuh, Abercrombie Gallery, Shearman Fine Arts, McNeese Stae University, LA

Inner Libare, Curator C.McInturff, Fall for Book Festival, George Mason University & Workhouse Art Center, Lorton, VA

Converging Parallels # 2, Traveling International Juried show, works on fabric, curator Maria Karametou, Atrium Gallery, GMU, Fairfax, VA


Confirm/ Confront: An International Print Exchange Exhibition, Hong Kong Graphic Art Fiesta, Hong Kong

Artifax, Annual MFA Exhibition, Curator Judy Sherman, School of Art, GMU, Fairfax, VA

Journey of Love, Madrid to Venice to Washington DC, Curator Sara Barzmehri, Exhibit 9, Potomac, MD 


Handprint Collection, Candy Factory, Handprint Group Show, Manassas, VA

Converging Parallels # 1, fabric works, International traveling Juried Exhibition, Istanbul, Turkey


Handprint Exchange, Chengdu Art Museum, Sichuan National University, China (The artwork is part of the permanent collection of the Sichuan National University), China

Handprint Works, Curator Helen Fredrick, Kreeger Museum, NW.  Washington DC

Call and Response artist and writer collaborative work, Curator Helen Fredrick, Gallery 123, GMU, VA

A Mile in My Shoes, 9/11 Art Project, Juror, Patrick Sargent, GMU, Fairfax, VA


Reve(a)ling Feminist,   honor prize, Curator Sue Wrbican, Women Center for Gender Studies, Gallery 123, GMU, VA

MFA Group Show, Curator Tom Ashcraft, GMU, Fairfax, VA

2008 Iranian Artists Group Show, curator Atti Vakili, Annandale, VA

2007 Iranian Women Group Show, Eighteen Annual (IWSF) Iranian Women Studies Foundation International Conference, Curator/organizer Nasrin Navab, Student Union Gallery, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Annual Students Group Show, Curator Walter Kravitz, Fine Art Gallery, GMU, VA

Creative Drawing, Skopelos Foundation for Art, curator, Maria Krametou & Tom Ashcraft, Skopelos Island, Greece.

Mid Atlantic Area Hand Pulled Print, Juried by Joan Boudreau, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Ellipse Art Center, Arlington, VA

2005 Ongoing group show, GMU, Enterprise Center, Fairfax, VA

2004 Enterprise Center, Fairfax, VA

2003 Iranian Women Artists, Shafagh Gallery “Negarkhaneh”, Tehran, Iran

Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale, VA

Student Annual Show, NOVA College, Fairfax, VA

Evolving Perceptions, Emotional Sensibilities Group exhibition, Juror  Maryam Owaisi, Washington D.C.

2002 Festival of the Art Celebration, NVCC, Annandale, VA




MFA, George Mason University, School of Art (as onof100 best art schools in USA), Fairfax, VA

2010 BFA, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

2003 Certificates, Web Development and Web Management, Northern Virginia Community College, VA

2002 A. A. Fine Art, Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale, VA

1979 M.A.  Nutrition, Texas Southern University, Houston, TX

1974 M.S.P.H. Master of Public Health, Tehran University

1972 B.S. Nutrition, Institute of Food & Nutrition, Tehran Iran

1987 Registered Dietitian # 714028, American Dietetic Association


International Workshops

Summer 2017, Handprint, Women Studio Workshop, NY

Summer 2015: Encaustic & Silkscreen with master of printmaking Jeffry Hirst, and other workshops on Bookmaking, monoprint and collage, Cullowhee Mountain Arts, Western Carolina University

2011-2013 Navigation Press, producing print editions for acclaimed visiting artists like Beauvais Lyons, Wendy Ross, In Unison artists, under the supervision of master printmaker Helen Frederick, Print studio, GMU, VA

2008-2011 Art Courses and Workshops on painting and Art Therapy, with School of Visual Art, SVA, NY, Florence, Italy and Barcelona, Spain.

2007: Creative Drawing; Skopelos Art Foundation, Tom Ashcraft, Maria Karametou, GMU School of Art and Skopelos Art Foundation, Greece



Aftab, Iranian-American Art Committee

Exhibit 9 Gallery, Persian and International Art

George Mason University Print Guild

NOVA Printmakers Guild

Pyramid Atlantic Art Center

Southern Graphics Council International (SGCI)

Washington Sculptures Group

1999 – 2004 Active member and web manager, Fairfax Art League



Capital One Bank Art Program yearly brochure, 2014

Hong Kong Graphic Art Foundation, Book of Artworks, 2013

So to Speak magazine, 2013-2014, GMU

Chengdu Art Museum Print Exchange Exhibition, Sichuan National University, China, 2012


Professional  Experiences

Teaching Assistant: George Mason University, Creative Drawing with Maria Karametou, 2012, Printmaking I &II, with Jeffery Fleming, 2013

Gallery Assistant: Fairfax Art League, Fairfax, VA, 2004-2006

Helped in installing monthly shows, worked as gallery sitter, designed and maintained League web page/made members pages.

Workshop: 2012, 2011 Instructor,  printmaking Workshops for different ages

Seasonal traveler around the world including Latin America ( Chile, Argentina, Peru, Mexico), West and East of Europe, Turkey, Lebanon, Iran, and China.



2006 People’s Choice Award, Fairfax Art League, Fairfax, VA

2007 People’s Choice Award, Fairfax Art League, Fairfax, VA

2005 Honorable Mention, Best of Virginia Artists & Artisans, juried book competition (Kennedy Promotions)

2004 First Prize Painting “Trip “artwork, Northern Virginia Community College

2002 Department of Liberal Arts Honors Committee selected and purchased “Dream” artwork as part of the permanent collection of NOVA College, Annandale




Daily Illinois Newspaper, Champaign, Illinois 


Washington Post, MPA 


Washington Post, NOVA Printmakers Group Show, Artists & Makers

Examiner, Arlington Art Examiner, James George

2013 Dear Velvet,

2013 So To Speak magazine, cover page

2012 Arlington Gazette

2012 International show, Istanbul, Turkey

2011 So To Speak magazine, cover and inside pages

2011 Center for the Arts, calendar of Events Brochure, GMU

2010 Tandis Art Magazine, Tehran, Iran






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